Multistandard Mixed Mode UMTS 900 4th sector splitting way of working ~ Communication World © كيفية جعل شكل التدوينات مربعة في البلوجر المصدر:

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الأحد، 19 نوفمبر 2017

Multistandard Mixed Mode UMTS 900 4th sector splitting way of working

Multistandard Mixed Mode UMTS 900
4th sector splitting way of working

Let’s assume Existing 3G site name 1234 & new site will be M1234

Actions & Requirements from RNC side

1.Delete 2 Sectors form the Existing 3G site 1234.

2.Vodafone to send new scripts to create new logical site on RNC and OSS Named M1234.

Actions & Requirements from Transmission side on site level

1.TCU must be on New schema (bridging Mode) which is the latest Vodafone standard.

2.If TCU is up and running on old schema (OSPF routing) so transmission action to change schema to bridging mode will be required. 
Actions & requirements on Site:
        1.Each DUW will be configured as single site.
2.Each DUW will be configured with two sectors UMTS 2100 and Two sectors      UMTS900
3.Each DUW will take different IPs from TCU using TCU bridging.
4.New logical site “M1234” will need New separate license.
5.OAM script and TCU scripts need to be created

Take backup of TCU as usual
1.Open SFTP
2.Telnet to TCU via Winfiol on IP: (username : Admin , password: hidden)
3.Run below commands to take backup using site ID instead of site name
uselocalsftp on
startsession 1
backup 1 sftp://TCU:TCU@   -u
getsessionstatus 1                                       
endsession 1                                             
uselocalsftp off

Open new port on TCU and create 2 VLANs as per site LLD and Run below TCU part of script after modifying VLAN ID as per site LLD
starttransaction asdf
createmo         asdf STN=0,ethernetinterface=CO-LOCATION2                                                                                                                                                                                         
setMOAttribute   asdf STN=0,ethernetinterface=CO-LOCATION2 portId TN_C                                                                                                                                                                            
setMOAttribute   asdf STN=0,ethernetinterface=CO-LOCATION2 mode AUTO
createmo asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=X                                      !X is the number of free E1 interface !                     
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=X type E1
createMO asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=3G2
createMO asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=3G2,VLAN=3G_IUB2
setMOAttribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=3G2,VLAN=3G_IUB2 tagValue 1042       !IUB VLAN!              
setMOAttribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=3G2,VLAN=3G_IUB2 depBridge STN=0,Bridge=1
createMO asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=3G2,VLAN=3G_MUB2
setMOAttribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=3G2,VLAN=3G_MUB2 tagValue 2042       !MUB VLAN!           
setMOAttribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=3G2,VLAN=3G_MUB2 depBridge STN=0,Bridge=2
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=3G2 depLinkLayer STN=0,EthernetInterface=CO-LOCATION2                                                                                                                                             
checkconsistency asdf
commit asdf forcedcommit
endtransaction asdf
starttransaction asdf
settime 2017 11 19 05 30 00 00   
checkconsistency asdf                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
commit asdf                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
endtransaction asdf

Take backup of SW package loaded on DUW specially (Node ID & License folders)
Take all print screen from alarm list , RRU status and RET status ,…etc.
Export cabinet , site and OAM script from the existing node.
Create two site scripts ( one form Main DUW for site 1234 for example and another script for site M1234).
Create two OAM scripts ( one form Main DUW for site 1234 for example and another script for site M1234)

Halt site with NMC
Disconnect Cascading cables between DUWs
Format both DUWs and set Le0 IP address
Load new pure basic package on each DUW as separate node
Load cabinet , site and OAM script for 1st DUW for creation of two sectors 3G and 2 sectors U900  (SEC 1,2 UMTS2100 and SEC1,2 UMTS900)
Load cabinet , site and OAM script for 2nd  DUW for creation of the remaining  two sectors 3G and 2 sectors U900  (SEC 3,4 UMTS2100 and SEC3,4 UMTS900)
Ask integration team to proceed in integration and upload licenses.
Take backup & Logs after finishing
Activate both sites (1234 & M1234)




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